Change Log
Version 1.12
- #275 General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away Server Config
- #277 Deprecate room level permissions for content and admin editing
- #258 Rename invitation to onboarding
- #261 Debug add organisation
- #262 Use subtle banner images under section titles (decided not to)
- #225 Improve workflow for adding a team leader and having them add to the team and know how workflow
- #253 A team admin is offered options to rename/disband a team
- #236 Book.php needs preview mode for unpublished books
- #241 HTML rendering bug
- #47 Change filter button to explain current filter (eg “can only see rooms you are in”)
- #226 Why do rooms not show in service provider page when a team is in a room? workflow
- #244 Consider left justifying section titles
- #248 Improve main “home” training page to make navigation more obvious
- #243 rooms-list page needs to make it easier to see what service provider(s) you are in and manage them
Version 1.11
Bugfix release:
- #231 Rooms counting draft pages towards completion when it shouldn’t
- #229 System Error Feedback link is dead usability
- #195 PPT and .PUB files won’t upload to Pages bug
- #196 Media isn’t saving in Pages. Reopening a page shows a blank media field. bug
- #190 Spending overly long editing a Page, saving it had me sign back in which erased all progress. usability
- #192 Source Code in the blurb of Books is view only. bug
- #186 page-edit is not previewing media correctly bug
- #191 Hyperlinks in Pages don’t appear as blue once published. They’re only blue in the drafts. usability
- #48 When adding a new book, viewing the book gives an error
- #194 Cannot delete attachments for Pages. bug
- #193 Page text fields don’t have list options. bug
Version 1.10
- Various security improvements
Version 1.9
- Several more display improvements
- Organisations now have custom logos
Version 1.8.1
- Several display improvements
Version 1.8
- Introduces new Teams feature
- A lot of behind the scenes strengthening
Version 1.7.6
- Cleaned up session handling code to be much clearer and safer
- Added list of who room admins and assessors are
Version 1.7.5
- Changed PUBLISH button to indicate that it may take a while
Version 1.7.4
- Fixed page sorting option when editing a book
- Added failed login count and last logged in date
Version 1.7.3
- Now shows questions pending both in “my progress” page and “assess room” page.
Version 1.7.2
Version 1.7.1
- Debugging progress storage
Version 1.7
- Improved room certificates
Version 1.6
- Now stores progress in a more consistent way, including goals not yet reached so it’s easier to tally up percentage done
- Shows new “my progress” screen with progress bars through the books instead of broad statistics
Version 1.5.5
- People who can edit org users can now change organisation-level permissions of other users. Use with care.
- Bugfix on publications page
Version 1.5.4
- Better support email link
- More ways to re-send invitations
- Debugged creating a draft from a Page
Version 1.5.3
- Improved navigation around draft pages
Version 1.5.2
- Added button to restore attachments from past versions of a book
- Fixed issue where attachments weren’t copied to draft book pages
Version 1.5.1
- Added features to “Provider” pages to help ensure your staff have accepted their invitations.
- Updates to documentation
- Improvements to display on mobile phones
- Bugfixes
Version 1.5
- Added theme colours for organisations
- Bugfixes
- Changed how books are updated to use a publication model:
- A live book cannot simply be edited
- Make a new draft version instead
- Edit the draft until you’re ready
- Publish the draft and all changes will go live at once
- Notifications are expected to be attached to draft publication in a future update
Version 1.4
- Questions moved to become “page components” that can be put anywhere in a page
- Bugfixes
- Security enhancements
Version 1.3
Service Providers
- Can now group support workers together into a “Service Provider”
- Workers can be put in multiple “service provider” groups, eg “CareProv” and “CareProv North East branch”
- You can add service providers to a Room and ALL the workers in it will have access to that training.
- Admins of a service provider can edit service provider info and staff. This will instantly take effect in every room the Service Provider has been added to, so new staff can come and go cleanly.
- Adding a service provider to a room only gives people basic access to the room. To allow things like editing room content, people must also be listed individually. Individual permissions override the basic access given to someone by being part of a service provider in a room.
- Several UI enhancements